
All services for your Slovenian Genealogy research

Data research

Extensive research on your Slovenian genealogy. We will visit archives, churches, parish offices, libraries, municipal offices and other institutions to gather as many pieces of information on your ancestors as possible.

Analysis of documents

We will carefully study the obtained documents, the ones supplied by our clients and the ones we found on our own.

Ancestry Guide

We will organize one or more trips with Slovenian ancestry guide . We will research all the clues and traces leading to your ancestral place of origin; on the road, our professional guide will tell you a lot of interesting facts about the region we will be visiting, and about Slovenia in general.

Video and Photo

A professional photographer and cameraman joining us on our family search trip. He will capture the memories of the reunion with your lost family, document the houses and other objects you will discover.

Guided tours in the region

We can provide for you professional guided tours around our region: Slovenia, Austria, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia... We can prepare a tailored trip just for you or find a regular tour that you can join.
Conecting you with your Slovenian roots

Start your jurney now

Research your Slovenian Geneology in 5 steps

Step 1: Contact us

The first step in your journey and probably the easiest one. Get in touch with us, let us know your plans, wishes and travel plans. We are reday to help you on your path to discover your Slovenian Genealogy.

Step 2: Send Data

To make the process fast and smooth you should provide us with as much information as possible: old documents, Ellis Island records (or records from other sources), family tree, even old photographs can be useful. Most of these records will come from the country where you currently live. In the next step, we will gather Slovenian genealogy information in Slovenia.

Step 3: Research

We will do the research before you arrive in Slovenia, visiting local archives, public records, church archives and other places that could give us information about your family. We will inform you about the progress and send you the information we acquired. When you arrive, we will already have all the data and will be able to start the research of the locations of your Slovenian ancestors.

Step 4: Field Trip

This is probably the most important, cheerful, emotionally charged and exciting part of our journey. Here we go on a real detective trip. Usually, we find a lot of new information from the locals we meet on our way. And with these new data, we get closer and closer to our goal. We will visit the area where your Slovenian ancestors came from, we will try the local food, we will enter the house where they lived (if it is still standing of course); we will visit the cemeteries where your ancestors are buried and we will visit the local church where your ancestors prayed, got married, and baptized their children. The people we will meet along the way are usually very friendly, but in general, they do not speak much English so we will help you with translations. We will organize transportation and a Slovenian ancestry guide/driver/translator so that everything will run smoothly.

Step 5: Family Reunion

This is the moment we were all waiting for. Time for cheerfull conversation, loughing, looking at old photographs, reviving the old memories, exchanging contacts and planing your next visits.